Create Credential using Custom Authentication
Creating credentials for custom authentication in the Backflipt platform allows you to integrate with services and APIs that require unique authentication methods.
This authentication method is particularly useful when an integration does not support any of the standard authentication methods provided by the platform. In such cases, the Backflipt platform allows you to configure custom authentication services specific to that integration, ensuring seamless connectivity and secure access.
You can define the authentication parameters and configure the necessary details specific to your custom authentication method. Once you have added the custom credentials, you can use them in your flows to authenticate and authorize access to the desired services or APIs.
To create credential for custom authentication
- Go to Credentials > App Credentials dashboard.
- Click +Create Credential.
- In the Add Credentials dialog, add the following information:
- Name: Enter a specific name to the integration.
- Description: Enter a brief description outlining the purpose of the integration.
- Integration: Select the integration for which you are creating the credentials.
- Authentication Type: Select the authentication type as O-Auth v2.
- Click Next. The advanced settings for Add Credentials are displayed.
- Select the Grant Type as Client Credentials.
- Enable Custom toggle button.
Click Create.
In the services page for the respective integration, you can configure Token Generation Service and Token Refreshal Service within the Backflipt platform.
Once created, the Token Generation Service and Token Refreshal Service are automatically configured for Azure Blob Storage. When accessing the Add Credentials dialog, both services are pre-selected for your convenience.
- If required, in the Add Config Params enter the details.
- Click Save. The created credential is now available to use in Flows.